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Book De*ion
"A spectre is haunting
Europe - the spectre of Communism." So begins one of history's most
important documents, a work of such magnitude that it has forever
changed not only the scope of world politics, but indeed the course
of human civilization. The Communist Manifesto was written in
Friedrich Engels's clear, striking prose and declared the
earth-shaking ideas of Karl Marx. Upon publication in 1848, it
quickly became the credo of the poor and oppressed who longed for a
society "in which the free development of each is the condition for
the free development of all."
The Communist Manifesto contains the seeds of Marx's more
comprehensive philosophy, which continues to inspire influential
economic, political, social, and literary theories. But the
Manifesto is most valuable as an historical document, one that led
to the greatest political upheaveals of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries and to the establishment of the Communist
governments that until recently ruled half the globe.
This Bantam Classic edition of The Communist Manifesto includes
Marx and Engels's historic 1872 and 1882 prefaces, and Engels's
notes and prefaces to the 1883 and 1888 editions.
"A spectre is haunting Europe," Karl Marx and Frederic Engels wrote
in 1848, "the spectre of Communism." This new edition of The
Communist Manifesto, commemorating the 150th anniversary of its
publication, includes an introduction by renowned historian Eric
Hobsbawm which reminds us of the document's continued relevance.
Marx and Engels's critique of capitalism and its deleterious effect
on all aspects of life, from the increasing rift between the
classes to the destruction of the nuclear family, has proven
remarkably prescient. Their spectre, manifested in the Manifesto's
vivid prose, continues to haunt the capitalist world, lingering as
a ghostly apparition even after the collapse of those governments
which claimed to be enacting its principles.
The Nation, Marshall Berman
Every paragraph breaks over us like a wave that leaves us shaking
from the impact and wet with thought. This prose evokes breathless
momentum, plunging ahead without guides or maps, breaking all
boundaries, precarious piling and layering of things, ideas and
From Library Journal
May 1 to honor the 150th anniversary of the original publication of
Marx and Engels's masterpiece with this quality, affordable
hardcover. This edition contains a new introduction by historian
Eric Hobsbawn, who insists that the work should be read not only as
a great work of literature but that, 150 years later, it still has
much to teach us for the next millennium.
About the Author
KARL MARX (1818-1883) is today considered one of the world's
seminal thinkers; although at his death he was, in his own words,
"the best hated and most calumniated man of his time." Born in
Trier, Prussia, he was descended from a rabbinical family. At the
University of Bonn and later at the University of Berlin, he joined
a group of radicals who espoused the ideas of Hegel. After
emigrating to Paris in 1843 he became deeply committed to communism
and the overthrow of tyranny. Here too he began his lifelong
association with Friedrich Engels. Finally settling in London with
his wife and family, Marx lived the rest of his life in abject
poverty while creating his masterwork, Das Kapital, and becoming
the leading spirit of revolution throughout the world.
FRIEDRICH ENGELS (1820-1895) is known primarily as the intellectual
companion of Karl Marx. The son of a German textile manufacturer,
Engels became the collaborator and staunch supporter of Marx before
and during the European revolutions of 1848, when together they
created The Communist Manifesto. When Engels outlived his friend by
twelve years, he dedicated himself to editing Marx's manu*s
and completing the two volumes of Das Kapital left unfinished. A
true friend to the end, he willed all his property to Marx's
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.1 width:(cm)10.4
Preface to the German Edition of 1872
Preface to the Russian Edition of 1882
Preface to the German Edition of 1883
Preface to the German Edition of 1890
Preface to the English Edition of 1888
Manifesto of the Communist Party
KARL MARX (1818-1883) is today considered one of the world's
seminal thinkers; although at his death he was, in his own words,
"the best hated and most calumniated man of his time." Born in
Trier, Prussia, he was descended from a rabbinical family. At the
University of Bonn and later at the University of Berlin, he joined
a group of radicals who espoused the ideas of Hegel. After
emigrating to Paris in 1843 he became deeply committed to communism
and the overthrow of tyranny. Here too he began his lifelong
association with Friedrich Engels. Finally settling in London with
his wife and family, Marx lived the rest of his life in abject
poverty while creating his masterwork, Das Kapital, and becoming
the leading spirit of revolution throughout the world.
FRIEDRICH ENGELS (1820-1895) is known primarily as the intellectual
companion of Karl Marx. The son of a German textile manufacturer,
Engels became the collaborator and staunch supporter of Marx before
and during the European revolutions of 1848, when together they
created The Communist Manifesto. When Engels outlived his friend by
twelve years, he dedicated himself to editing Marx's manu*s
and completing the two volumes of Das Kapital left unfinished. A
true friend to the end, he willed all his property to Marx's
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The Communist Manifesto is the most influential political call-to-arms ever written. In the century and a half since its publication the world has been shaken repeatedly by those who sought to make its declamations a reality. But the focus of this modern edition is not primarily the vivid history of Marx and Engels' most important work. Rather, with a characteristically elegant and acute introduction by the distinguished historian Eric Hobsbawm, it asserts the pertinence of the Manifesto today. Hobsbawm writes that 'the world described by Marx and Engels in 1848 in passages of dark, laconic eloquence, is recognizably the world we live in 150 years later'. He identifies the insights whish underpin the Manifesto's startling contemporary relevance: the recognition of capitalism as a world system capable of marshalling production on a global scale; its devastating impact on all aspects of human existe43nce, work, the family and the distribution of wealth; and the understanding that, far from being a stable, immutable system, it is, on the contrary, susceptible to enormous convulsions and crisis, and contains the seeds of its own destruction. For anyone sceptical of the triumphalism of the financial markets in recent years, who chooses to focus instead on the growing global divergence of rich and poor, the ravaging of the environment and the atomization of society, the manifesto will appear as a work of extraordinary prescience and power.
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