【现货】【翰德图书】Kaleidoscope 2023年01期 NO.42 封面随机发货 英文原版艺术期刊杂志 pmlz 电子版 pdf docx 网盘 kindle azw3 下载

【现货】【翰德图书】Kaleidoscope 2023年01期 NO.42 封面随机发货 英文原版艺术期刊杂志精美图片
》【现货】【翰德图书】Kaleidoscope 2023年01期 NO.42 封面随机发货 英文原版艺术期刊杂志电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

【现货】【翰德图书】Kaleidoscope 2023年01期 NO.42 封面随机发货 英文原版艺术期刊杂志书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9770218400007
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2023-02
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:194.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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期刊号:2023年01期 NO.42













KALEIDOSCOPE 第 42 期(2023 年春夏)推出了一组六张封面。


马克-基恩(Mark Kean)通过镜头捕捉到了阿奇-马歇尔(Archy Marshall),又名克鲁尔国王(King Krule)。在即将发行第四张唱片之际,他与赛勒斯-戈伯维尔(Cyrus Goberville)坐在一起,谈论了成为父媇、从伦敦搬到利物浦、在两座城市之间的通勤火车上写作以及在 "空间之间 "徘徊等话题。


由约书亚-戈登(Joshua Gordon)在东京拍摄的日本导演三池崇史,作为一位将残忍、性和血腥发挥到及致的电影人,在他的祖国和国际上都赢得了追捧。通过铃木哲也(Tetsuya Suzuki)的跨洋文化解读,我们认识了这位电影偶像,尽管他从事电影工作已逾 30 年,但仍然保持着永远的局外人气质。


Upstate "开创了一种新的全权委托形式,将编辑部分 "外包 "给志同道合的全球创意人士,其中包括 Richard Kern 的原创摄影作品和 Olivia Kan-Sperling 的文章,并配有一个特别插页(折叠式双面海报),该插页由改变游戏规则的纽约丨模特经纪公司 No Agency 制作和设计。


Bolade Banjo 的摄影作品集拍摄了牙买加蕞红的舞厅日月星 Popcaan 在伦敦萨维尔街的风采--牙买加学者 Carolyn Cooper 和英裔牙买加策展人 Carol Tulloch 在对话中讨论了舞厅风格和文化在两国的本土和散居演变。


吉姆-肖的艺术生涯致力于研究美国的偶像、宗教和乌托邦,他几乎尝试了所有的艺术形式。马克思-法拉戈(Max Farago)在他洛杉矶的工作室为他拍摄了一组照片,他与汉斯-乌尔里希-奥布里斯特(Hans Ulrich Obrist)谈论了绘画、油画、朋克乐队演奏、电影工作、收集简历和记录梦想等话题。


如果买不到画,为什么不买件 T 恤呢?ART<3 MERCH》的趋势报告包括帕特里克-麦格劳(Patrick McGraw)的文章和普罗赛尔(Procell)的特别插页,调查了博物馆和艺术画廊商品在过去十年中势不可挡的崛起--这是由波普艺术开始的经济和创意进程的累积点。


在雜誌 的头版头条部分,通过克里斯-伦茨(Chris Lensz)的镜头,我们走访了巴黎的各个街区,采访了一批新的多文化情境主义者,他们正在创造和解构这座城市。其中包括 DJ 兼视觉艺术家 Crystallmess、书商兼策展人 Rare Books Paris、艺术家兼音乐家 Erwan Sene 和厨师 Mathieu Canet。


乔恩-拉夫曼(Jon Rafman)展示了由人工智能生成的新作品,他为观众构建了一个迷失其中的虚拟世界。在与 Jak Ritger 的对话中,他反思了技术对人类社会的深刻影响,同时也探讨了崇高、不可思议、人类创造力的犭虫创性以及艺术家角色的变化。


以马赛为基地的(LA)HORDE 团体用他们所称的 "后互联网舞蹈 "重振了芭蕾舞机构的经典形式,用充满诗意、朋克和政治参与的作品摆脱了芭蕾舞排他性的僵化。伊莎贝尔-巴克洛(Isabelle Bucklow)的文字和温特-范登布林克(Winter Vandenbrink)的摄影概括了真实身体运动的力量。


本期还介绍了 美国小说家 Emma Cline(摄影:Caroline Tompkins,采访:Lola Kramer)、Aurel Schmidt 的新系列绘画(文字:Sophie Kemp)、日本摄影师 Hiroh Kikai(文字:Jeppe Ugelvig)、意大利朋克乐队 CCCP(文字:Achille Filipponi)以及 "纽约市五位画家"(绘画:Brook Hsu、Francesca Facciola、Michelle Uckotter、Olivia Van Kuiken 和 Justine Neuberger,文字:Reilly Davidson)。


KALEIDOSCOPE’s new issue 42 (Spring/Summer 2023) launches with a set of six covers.


A decade after his howling debut album—released at only 18, preciously young and totally timeless—we captureArchy Marshall aka King Krule through the lens of Mark Kean. About to release his fourth record, he sits down with Cyrus Goberville to talk about becoming a father, his move from London to Liverpool, writing on commuter trains between the two cities, and lingering in the “space between.”


Shot in Tokyo by Joshua Gordon, Japanese director Takashi Miike has gained a cult following, both in his homeland and internationally, as a filmmaker of the extremes of brutality, sex, and gore. Through a transoceanic cultural reading by Tetsuya Suzuki, we get acquainted with the cinematic icon, who, despite over 30 years work in film, retains the ethos of the permanent outsider.


Inaugurating a new carte blanche format “outsourcing” an editorial segment to like-minded global creatives,“Upstate” features original photography by Richard Kern and an essay by Olivia Kan-Sperling, within a special insert (cum foldedtwo-sided poster) produced and designed by game-changing New York-based modelling agency,No Agency.


A photographic portfolio by Bolade Banjo captures Popcaan, Jamaica’s biggest dancehall star, in London’s Savile Row—with an accompanying conversation between Jamaican academic Carolyn Cooper and Anglo-Jamaican curator Carol Tulloch, discussing dancehall style and culture across the two countries, in its homegrown and diasporic evolutions.


Throughout an artistic career dedicated to examining America‘s iconographies, religions, and utopias, Jim Shaw has experimented with almost every art form. Shot by Max Farago in his L.A. studio, he talks with Hans Ulrich Obrist about drawing, painting, playing in punk bands, working in the movies, collecting ephemera, and chronicling his dreams.


If you can’t buy the painting, why not get the T-shirt? Featuring an essay by Patrick McGraw and a special insert by Procell, the trend repot ART<3 MERCH investigates the unstoppable rise of museum and art gallery merchandise over the past decade—the cumulative point of an economic and creative process that started with Pop Art.


In the magazine’s front-of-the-book section, through the lens of Chris Lensz, we trawl Paris’ arrondissements with a new class of multi-hyphenate Situationists who are making and unmaking the city. Featuring DJ and visual artist Crystallmess, book dealer and curator Rare Books Paris, artist and musician Erwan Sene, and chef Mathieu Canet.


Presenting a new A.I. generated body of work, Jon Rafman builds virtual worlds for the viewer to get lost within. In conversation with Jak Ritger, he reflects on the profound ways technology has affected human society, while also exploring the sublime, the uncanny, the ingenuity of human creativity, and the changing role of the artist.


Reenergising the classical forms of the institution with what they’ve termed “post-internet dance,“ Marseille-based collective(LA)HORDE departs from the exclusionary rigidity of the ballet with poetic, punk, and politically engagedworks. Words by Isabelle Bucklow and photography by Winter Vandenbrink encapsulate the power of real bodies moving.


Also featured in this issue: American novelist Emma Cline (photography by Caroline Tompkins and interview by Lola Kramer), a new series of drawings by Aurel Schmidt (words by Sophie Kemp), Japanese photographer Hiroh Kikai(words by Jeppe Ugelvig), Italian punk band CCCP (words by Achille Filipponi), and “Five NYC Painters”(paintings by Brook Hsu, Francesca Facciola, Michelle Uckotter, Olivia Van Kuiken, and Justine Neuberger, and words by Reilly Davidson).


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