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In a relentlessly competitive environment, the general manager – whether a director or any senior/middle manager who may not have a specific market-facing responsibility – cannot afford the luxury of leaving the business of understanding customers and other stakeholders entirely in the hands of the “experts”.
No responsible CEO will say “as long as my CFO tells me that the revenue and profit situation is fine, I really don’t need to look at my company’s balance sheet and income statement”. Equally, the general manager who genuinely wishes to drive a market-centric organisation should not feel content to leave the analysis of the “stakeholder balance sheet” entirely in the hands of the specialists in marketing, pr, investor relations or customer analysis.
This highly practical book enables any practicing manager not only to develop the market insights that will strengthen their position in the market place, but to really profit from this understanding.
The Stakeholder Balance Sheet presents a tool which has to the best of our knowledge so far not been available, enabling organizations to unlock the DNA of the market place in which they operate and to measure their effectiveness in understanding their markets and the key stakeholders operating within them.
This hugely practical book presents self-testing checklists at the end of each chapter that enable managers to score themselves on “stakeholder-sensitive issues” in the same way that they might assess their financial performance by scrutinising financial statements.
A review of how well your organisation has fared on the questions will tell you how healthy your “balance sheet” is.
Lessons to learn from application of the Stakeholder Balance Sheet include:
How to maximise commercial success through understanding the market place.
What appropriate tools are required by organisations to enhance their understanding of the market place, and how these should be utilised.
What are effective ways of being a truly stakeholder-sensitive enterprise.
In a nutshell, a genuine understanding of how customers and other stakeholders think, feel and behave offers the essential starting point for any general manager - not just the marketing or sales specialist - seeking to determine the direction of his organisation.
Farrokh Suntook has been running his own consultancy and executive coaching service since 2006. The focus of his consultancy is to help clients develop market insights for action planning designed to strengthen their position in the market place.
Prior to this Farrokh had over thirty year's experience, mostly in business development and marketing research consultancy undertaken for a range of blue chip multinational companies. His assignments covered topics ranging from market segmentation and product development to market drivers and customer loyalty. Over the years these topics have also been the subject of articles, international conference papers and in-house seminars and workshops which he has led.
Farrokh has a BSc(Econ) from the London School of Economics and an MBA from the Columbia Business School in New York. He is a member of the CIM Learning & Development faculty.
Dr John A Murphy, Telefonica O2 Professor of Customer Management and Head of Corporate Relations at Manchester Business School, combines the roles of academic and international consultant, specialising in customer management and service quality. He has held a series of senior management positions both in Ireland and the UK.
At Manchester Business School he has established a unique cohort of PhD scholarship students in conjunction with leading UK companies. This is the largest doctoral research group in this specialist area in Europe. He is a regular contributor to the programmes at the MBS Executive Development Centre. He chairs and directs the Customer Management Leadership Group.
John holds four professional fellowships and is a member of the International Academy for Quality, whose members are chosen from the most active protagonists of quality in the world. He is the author of five books, the most recent of which, Converting Customer Value: From Retention to Profit, was published in 2006.
Introduction: Why this Book?
1. The 9 Point Plan for Sustaining and Growing Your Market Profitably
2. In the Beginning was … Segmentation!
Why is market segmentation the first step?
So what is successful market segmentation all about?
Successful market segmentation is the starting point for your business and marketing strategy
Targeting individuals and organisations as well as segmenting the market
The executive self-assessment checklist: segmentation
3. Delving into the Mind of the Market – Understanding the Real Stakeholder Drivers
From market drivers to business performance – a step-by-step approach
Identifying the business winners
‘Back-of-mind’ and ‘front-of-mind’ issues
The role of intangibles
What makes for value in your business?
The executive self-assessment checklist: delving into the mind of the market
4. From Customer Satisfaction and Branding to Loyalty and Attraction
Why customer loyalty is important – and why customer satisfaction doesn’t give you the whole picture
Input–impact analysis of actions taken
Bringing customer opinions to life
The world is a competitive place!
But benchmarking against the competition alone can lead to wasted resources
The performance/equity gap
Comparing Norwegian apples with Italian oranges
The executive self-assessment checklist: from customer satisfaction and branding to loyalty
5. Decision-Making Dynamics
Functions/levels of seniority
Needs, interests and desires
Psycho-cultural environment
Appropriate approaches
Update the database and profile the DMU
The executive self-assessment checklist: decision-making dynamics
6. Staff Motivation and Perceptions
Some introductory thoughts on staff motivation
Staff perceptions: introduction
Are staff in touch with the marketplace?
Are processes and opinions within your organisation aligned?
The executive self-assessment checklist: staff motivation
The executive self-assessment checklist: staff perceptions
7. Who Else should be on your Radar Screen – The Role and Motivation of Other External Stakeholders and Influencers
Introduction: who are other external stakeholders and influencers?
Scenario 1 – You wish to assess the impact of influencers on your customers’ attitudes/behaviour
Scenario 2 – Some influencers are also your customers
Scenario 3 – You wish to enhance your overall standing and business performance
Scenario 4 – You are making a major decision or taking an initiative
Scenario 5 – You are engaged in a damage limitation exercise
Managing the (conflicting) demands of different stakeholders
Concluding questions
The executive self-assessment checklist: other external stakeholders and influencers
8. Communicate (and Communicate and Communicate…)
Your communication targets
Corporate communication: introduction
Information about your organisation
Strengthening your corporate brand
Combining knowledge with brand equity
Product/service communication
Effective communication is a two-way process
The executive self-assessment checklist: communication
9. Constant Renewal – Searching for Winning New Product or Service Propositions
Introduction: the impetus for new product or service development
Looking around us: underlying ‘macro’ trends
Critical factors for success: introduction
Internal success factors
External success factors
How do you go about finding out whether or not your new product/service is likely to be successful?
Evaluating your own experience
The executive self-assessment checklist: new products/services
10. An Ongoing Process: Monitoring your Performance
Why monitor your performance
What to monitor
How to monitor
Acting on the results
Identifying and acting on the blockages
The executive self-assessment checklist: monitoring your performance
11. Conclusion: The 9 Point Plan Revisited
Your stakeholder balance sheet at a glance
And finally … a reminder about the key action areas
This book provides an as yet unavailable tool, the Stakeholder Balance Sheet, enablingmanagers within any organisation to unlock the DNA of the market place in which they operate and to measure their effectiveness in understanding their markets and all the key stakeholders operating within them.
This simple tool provides self–testing checklists at the end of each chapter that enables managers to look at stakeholder–sensitive issues in the same way that they might scrutinise financial statements (hence it will not seem alien to most managers). A review of how well your organisation has fared on the questions will tell you how healthy your "balance sheet" is in relation to the topic of each chapter, and it will provide you with the basis for an overall enterprise balance sheet that aggregates the scores you have achieved in each topic area.
Lessons to learn from application of the Stakeholder Balance Sheet are: What appropriate tools are still required to enhance their understanding of the market place, and how these should be utilised How to maximise commercial success through understanding the market place And, find effective ways of being a truly stakeholder–sensitive enterprise In a nutshell, a genuine understanding of how customers and other stakeholders think, feel and behave offers the essential starting point for any general manager – not just the marketing or sales specialist – seeking to determine the direction of his organisation. For the purpose of the book, stakeholders are described as: the direct stakeholders in the market place – customers and prospects (including both the key contacts with whom you interface and others who may influence the final decisions made); the internal stakeholders – staff; other external stakeholders – pressure groups, local community, government, intermediaries, banks, etc "My 40 years of international business experience would completely endorse this total focus on the stakeholder balance sheet." Sir Peter Bonfield CBE FREng, Chairman of NXP Supervisory Board and formerly CEO of BT Group plc and ICL plc "The Stakeholder Balance Sheet is an excellent and highly practical framework...This book is a must–read for decision makers in any organization, regardless of level or function." Professor Sharan Jagpal, Professor of Marketing, Rutgers Business School & author of Fusion for Profit
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