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Praise for the chief HR Officer
"The strategic portfolio of issues addressed and the sage wisdom
and perspectives shared make this book a powerful transformation
tool." —Jodee Kozlak, executive vice president, Human Resources,
Target Corporation
"An up-to-the-minute guide as to what is happening to the field
of human resources through the eyes of those in charge of it."
—Peter Cappelli, George W. Taylor Professor of Management and
director, Center for Human Resources, Wharton School
"This is a definitive guide for human resources leaders who are
at the frontlines of competitiveness for their organizations."
—David A. Rodriguez, executive vice president and chief human
resources officer, Marriott International
"This book is a must-read for all HR professionals to understand
the evolution of how far we've come as a function and how much more
we have to contribute to the success of the enterprise." —William
J. Conaty, former senior vice president, Human Resources, General
Electric Corporation
"This book is a treasure-trove of insights that will elevate the
practice of human resource management to a whole new level in the
twenty-first century." —Lee D. Dyer, professor and chair,
Department of Human Resource Studies, Cornell University
"As a CEO who understands how important managing human capital
is to delivering business results, The Chief HR Officer is an
invaluable resource." —Russ Fradin, CEO, Hewitt Associations
"This is a must-read for state-of-the-art in human resource
management." —Scott A. Snell, E. Thayer Bigelow Professor of
Business Administration, Darden Graduate School of Business,
University of Virginia
"This accessible, practical guide for HR professionals clearly
describes the critical values, behaviors and skills needed to
fulfill the multiple roles of an HR leader- trusted business
partner, talent architect and expert functional leader."—Sally
Bott, group human resource director, BP
The Authors.
Chapter 1 “The Evolving Chief Human Resource Officer Role”
(Patrick Wright, Paul McKinnon, Richard Antoine, Libby Sartain,
John Boudreau, and Dave Pace).
Part 1 Today's Chief Human Resource Officer.
Chapter 2 “Perform! Don't Run!” (J. Randall McDonald).
Chapter 3 “The Art and Science of the CHRO Role: Tales of a
Chief Human Resource Officer” (Eva Sage-Gavin).
Chapter 4 “ETC” (Richard L. Antoine).
Chapter 5 “Roles and Challenges of the CHRO: Results of the
Cornell/CAHRS Survey” (Patrick Wright and Mark Stewart).
Part 2 The CHRO as Strategic Advisor and Talent
Chapter 6 “Leadership and Employee Engagement: A Positive
Synergy at Caterpillar” (Sid Banwart).
Chapter 7 “Four Steps to World Class Talent” (L. Kevin Cox).
Chapter 8 “Retooling HR: How Proven Business Models Offer
Untapped Potential for Strategic Talent Management Decisions” (John
Chapter 9 “The CHRO as Cultural Champion” (Mike Davis).
Chapter 10 “When Crisis Calls” (Laurie Siegel).
Chapter 11 “Doing HR’s Business with the Government” (Ian
Part 3 The CHRO as Counselor/Confidante/Coach.
Chapter 12 “Who do you Really Work For?” (Dave Pace).
Chapter 13 “Coaching and Counseling the CEO” (Elease
Chapter 14 “Forging Effective Relationships with your Boss and
Colleagues” (Pamela Kimmet).
Chapter 15 “What do you Stand For?” (Libby Sartain).
Chapter 16 “Great Leader or Just a CEO? Insights on CEOs from
the Perspective of Chief Human Resource Officers” (Patrick Wright
and L. Kevin Cox).
Part 4 The CHRO as Liaison to the Board of Directors.
Chapter 17 “Working with the Board of Directors” (Bill
Chapter 18 CHRO’s and Boards: A Missing Link” (Ed Lawler).
Chapter 19 “The Role of the Chief Human Resource Officer in
Managing Executive Compensation” (Charlie Tharp).
Chapter 20 “How to be a High-Performing CHRO in the Executive
Compensation Arena” (Ursula Fairbairn).
Part 5 The CHRO as Leader of the HR Function.
Chapter 21 “Making a Difference in the First 100 Days” (Ken
Chapter 22 “Delivering Results with a Global HR Team” (Hugh
Chapter 23 “Experiences as a New CHRO in a New Industry” (Mirian
Chapter 24 “Designing an Integrated HR Function: What the CHRO
Needs to Know” (Amy Kates, John Boudreau, and Jay Galbraith).
Chapter 25 “HR for Impact” (Sandy Ogg).
Part 6 Characteristics of Today's CHRO
Chapter 26 “Preparing CHROs to Exceed CEO Expectations” (Dave
Ulrich and Ellie Filler).
Chapter 27 “Delivering Global Talent in a High Velocity World:
What CEOs Look for in a CHRO” (James Bagley).
Chapter 28 “What Does Today’s CHRO Look Like? Demographic
Characteristics of CHROs at the World’s Largest Companies.”
(Patrick Wright and Mark Stewart).
Chapter 29 “Bringing It All Together: The Four Knows of the
CHRO.” (Patrick M. Wright).
Patrick M. Wright, Ph.d., is
the William J. Conaty GE Professor of Strategic Human Resources in
the School of ILR at Cornell University. He teaches and conducts
research in the area of strategic human resource management, with a
particular focus on how HR practices, the HR function, and HR
leaders can affect firm performance.
The National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR) is an honorific
organization where individuals and institutions of distinction in
human resources are recognized for professional achievement by
election as "Fellows of the NAHR." In addition, NAHR furthers the
HR profession through the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO)
Academy and other philanthropic and educational activities. For
more information visit
Copublished with the Society for Human Resource Management
(SHRM), the world's largest association devoted to human resource
management. The Society serves the needs of HR professionals and
advances the interests of the HR profession. Founded in 1948, SHRM
has more than 250,000 members in over 140 countries, and more than
575 affiliated chapters. Visit
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Praise for the chief HR Officer "The strategic portfolio of issues addressed and the sage wisdom and perspectives shared make this book a powerful transformation tool." —Jodee Kozlak, executive vice president, Human Resources, Target Corporation "An up-to-the-minute guide as to what is happening to the field of human resources through the eyes of those in charge of it." —Peter Cappelli, George W. Taylor Professor of Management and director, Center for Human Resources, Wharton School "This is a definitive guide for human resources leaders who are at the frontlines of competitiveness for their organizations." —David A. Rodriguez, executive vice president and chief human resources officer, Marriott International "This book is a must-read for all HR professionals to understand the evolution of how far we've come as a function and how much more we have to contribute to the success of the enterprise." —William J. Conaty, former senior vice president, Human Resources, General Electric Corporation "This book is a treasure-trove of insights that will elevate the practice of human resource management to a whole new level in the twenty-first century." —Lee D. Dyer, professor and chair, Department of Human Resource Studies, Cornell University "As a CEO who understands how important managing human capital is to delivering business results, The Chief HR Officer is an invaluable resource." —Russ Fradin, CEO, Hewitt Associations "This is a must-read for state-of-the-art in human resource management." —Scott A. Snell, E. Thayer Bigelow Professor of Business Administration, Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia "This accessible, practical guide for HR professionals clearly describes the critical values, behaviors and skills needed to fulfill the multiple roles of an HR leader- trusted business partner, talent architect and expert functional leader."—Sally Bott, group human resource director, BP
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