联想事件:中国电脑巨人的成长以及对IBM的接管/THE LENOVO AFFAIR pmlz 电子版 pdf docx 网盘 kindle azw3 下载

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Lenovo is a global leader in the PC market,employing more than 19,000 people worldwide.
Its landmark takeover of IBM’s PC division in May 2005 was a major step for the company and a huge boost for Chinese industry.
The deal proved to the world that Chinese companies are not only competitive in the domestic markets but can also compete at a global level.
Lenovo was founded in 1984 by 11 engineers working out of a small bungalow in Beijing.
Their crisis was to create a company that would offer PCs to the Chinese people at an affordable price.
Using the brand name,Legend,it promoted PC usage throughout China and developed the revolutionary Legend Chinese character card that translated English software into Chinese characters.
In 1994,Legend was successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and in 2003 rebranded itself as Lenovo.
The company went from strength to strength and dominated the Chinese market with more than 25% of market share in 2004.
The IBM acquisition has marked another key milestone in the history of the company.
Lenovo now has over $13 billion in annual reserves and possesses necessary infrastructure to develop its markets around the world.
The company is a worldwide sponsor of the International Olympic Committee and will offer funding and support to the 2006 Winter Games in Torino and the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing.
Author Ling Zhijun is well known in China for his reporting on China’s economic reform,and for his book “Jiao Feng”. This book sold over two million copies in China.
The author is a seasoned reporter for the People’s Daily; based in Shanghai.
Martha Avery,the translator and editor of this book in English,has translated a number of works of Chinese literature into English that have been published by such presses as Viking Penguin,WW Norton,HarperCollins,Farrar Straus Giruoux and David Godine.
Her most recent authored book is Tea Road: China and Russia Meet Across the Steppe.
This is an economic history of the region and was published by the Intercontinental Press(China)in 2004.
Ms Avery is based in Boulder,Colorado,but travels frequently to China as business consultant for a large software distributor called Software Spectrum,Inc.
Ling Zhijun was born in Shanghai in 1953. Unable to attend high school or college due to prolonged political turmoil, he was sent to work in a factory at the age of 15. Later he worked in the fields as a farmer and in the army as a soldier. At the age of 30, he was accepted as a graduate student to China's Academy of Social Sciences, where he was awarded a Masters in Jurisprudence. Ling Zhijun is currently Senior Editor at the People's Daily, and is one of China's most influential authors.
Direct personal experience of China's hardships, political cleansing, and eventual reform qualifies Ling Zhijun to write of China's "healing" and its entry into the world. This entry of 1.3 billion people into the currents of a global system has been accompanied by traumatic episodes. In the summer of 1990, Ling Zhijun began to write his first book: History will no longer equivocate: The rise and the failure of the People's Communes of China. Seven years later, eventually published, this book elicited tremendous criticism and debate for it openly described the great famine of the late 1950s.
In 1998, Ling Zhijun and his colleague Ma Ucheng co-authored a book called Crossing Swords that again aroused intense debate and political attention in China. His book Changes: A record of China from 1990-2002 was published in 2003. DeSpite disapproval Of the government, it became a bestseller and established his reputation as a leader in the field of Chinese economic and political writing. The Lentovo Affeir is Ling Zhijun's eighth book.
Part One(1984 -1989):The Rebel
Chapter One:One Foot Each On Two Different Boats
Chapter Two:Some People String The Pearls
Chapter Three:It Has What You Would Call “Root”
Part Two(1990 -1994):The Time for Leaders
Chapter Four:The Spartan Formation
Chapter Five:Eat My Dust
Chapter Six:1994-Turning Point
Part Three(1995-1999):The Age of the Market
Chapter Seven:We're Just A Dragonette
Chapter Eight:From Pig-raising For Everyone To Computers For Everyone
Chapter Nine:Godfather Of China's Information Industries
Part Four(2000-2004):Change or Die
Chapter Ten:Half Peacock,Half Tiger
Chapter Eleven:Sitting On The Mountain To Watch The Tigers Fight
Chapter Thirteen:Takeover of IBM-PC
Lenovo is a global leader in the PC market, employing more than 19,000 people worldwide. Its landmark takeover of IBM’s PC division in May 2005 was a major step for the company and a huge boost for Chinese industry. The deal proved to the world that Chinese companies are not only competitive in the domestic markets but can also compete at a global level.
Lenovo was founded in 1984 by 11 engineers working out of a small bungalow in
. Their crisis was to create a company that would offer PCs to the Chinese people at an affordable price. Using the brand name, Legend, it promoted PC usage throughout
and developed the revolutionary Legend Chinese character card that translated English software into Chinese characters.
In 1994, Legend was successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and in 2003 rebranded itself as Lenovo. The company went from strength to strength and dominated the Chinese market with more than 250f market share in 2004.
The IBM acquisition has marked another key milestone in the history of the company. Lenovo now has over $13 billion in annual reserves and possesses necessary infrastructure to develop its markets around the world. The company is a worldwide sponsor of the International Olympic Committee and will offer funding and support to the 2006 Winter Games in Torino and the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing.
Author Ling Zhijun is well known in China for his reporting on China’s economic reform, and for his book “Jiao Feng”. This book sold over two million copies in China. The author is a seasoned reporter for the People’s Daily; based in Shanghai.
Martha Avery, the translator and editor of this book in English, has translated a number of works of Chinese literature into English that have been published by such presses as Viking Penguin, WW Norton, HarperCollins, Farrar Straus Giruoux and David Godine. Her most recent authored book is Tea Road: China and Russia Meet Across the Steppe. This is an economic history of the region and was published by the Intercontinental Press (China) in 2004. Ms Avery is based in Boulder, Colorado, but travels frequently to China as business consultant for a large software distributor called Software Spectrum, Inc.
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